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July 2004 Archives

July 5, 2004

Tri-Cluster/Microstar Landscape Applications

The Tri-Clusters and MicroStars are ideal for landscape applications. They are small, waterproof and draw insignificant amounts of power. Because there are no bulbs to replace, once installed, the lights can be enjoyed for years with no thought or need for maintenance.

Due to their small size and small gauge wire feeding them, these lights can virtually be hidden in the landscape and not break up the natural flow of the garden. The garden can be accented and illuminated without drawing attention to bulky light fixtures themselves.

The Tri-Clusters and MicroStars can bring magic and moonlight to any landscape and yet remain insignificant in their presence. These LED lights provide a cool white light with a hint of blue, very similar to moon light. This color of light has been recommended by experts as the ideal choice for illuminating foliage.

Elevated Landscape Lighting

The MicroStar and Tri-Cluster do an amazing job of filling in landscaped areas when mounted in eaves or in arbors providing a "flood" effect. The lighting is similar to that of a full-moon, and does a wonderful job of filling in and illuminating the landscape without a washout or blinding effect.

The below pictures don't do the lights justice -- but they'll give you an idea of what they can do. Notice that there aren't any "hot spots" like you would see with traditional halogen lighting. (Click images to enlarge.)

Landscape lighting from above.

Another view of the same garden, illuminated by two Tri-Clusters (Model 310).

Final View, different angle.
Installed Landscape Lighting

The Tri-Cluster and MicroStar are ideal for installing at ground level or in hardscape elements in your landscape. Their compact size and flexible installation options make adding light to your landscape quite easy.

Below is a study of an installation using MicroStars in a rock and dirt wall landscape feature. (Click image to enlarge.)

Light fixture mounted in wall.

MicroStar (Model 100) in rock fixture.

Rock wall, distance shot.

Rock wall, night shot.

Concrete steps, day shot.

Concrete steps, night shot.

About July 2004

This page contains all entries posted to BerkeleyPoint Applications in July 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

June 2004 is the previous archive.

November 2004 is the next archive.

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