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June 2004 Archives

June 4, 2004

Tri-CLusters: Hardscape/Arbor Installation

The Tri-Clusters and MicroStars are ideal for exterior architectural applications. They run very efficiently on a safe low voltage and can be switched on for the duration of the dark hours without significant electricity cost.

The level of illumination from these LED lights allows you to see the night and not be blinded to it. A "full moon" level of illumination can be provided which will allow for ingress and egress. Structural elements may be highlighted or accented without removing the balance of what is there from ones sight, as is the case with conventional lights that are too intense.

Evenly placed LED lights on a wall, walkway or fence can provide a stimulating pattern of light and shadow and become a dimension of the architectural presence not visible during daylight hours. Whether the light is direct or indirect (reflected off light colored surfaces) care must be given to placement so that ones eyes are not drawn to the LED light source itself. These LED lights provide a cool white light with a hint of blue, very similar to moon light.

This color can provide a pleasant contrast to the warmer colors of light, which may emanate from within a structure.

The MicroStar and Tri-Cluster do an amazing job of providing ambient safety and security lighting. The lights provide enough light to move around obstacles and provide ingress and egress around your yard and house exterior.

The below pictures are of an arbor and gate that provides security to a backyard entrance. The lights (MicroStar Model 100's) are mounted in the arbor, and are switched on automatically at night using a photo switch. The lights are mounted such that an observing eye does not detect their presence, until the lights turn on. This type of lighting is effective on enhancing architectural elements as well as providing safety for access as well as enhancing security by removing shadowy areas that provide shelter to intruders.

Arbor and gate, front view at night.
Detail of light installation.

Arbor and gate, front view.

About June 2004

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